Lower Gorge Fishery
The Lower Gorge of the Genesee River is one of Western New York State’s most productive sport fisheries.
The Lower Gorge of the Genesee River is one of Western New York State’s most productive sport fisheries. This information has been developed by the Mayor’s Ad-Hoc committee on the Lower Gorge to insure a safe and enjoyable fall trout and salmon fishing season for anglers and Rochester’s residents as well. A fishing access point is located at the corner of Seth Green Dr. and St. Paul St. and open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. There is no westside access in the Lower Falls Area. Please note that on-street parking regulations are strictly enforced. Parking is available at the Seth Green access point. Call the Bureau of Parks and Recreation at 585-428-6770 for information.
Genesee River Fishing Regulations (NYSDEC)
Anyone 16 years of age or older must possess a valid NYS Fishing License on their person.
- All foul-hooked fish must be released without unnecessary injury.
- Use of anything other than a conventional sportfishing rod, reel and line is prohibited.
- The total combined daily limit for trout and salmon is three (3) in any combination, except combination limit shall include no more than one (1) landlocked (Atlantic) salmon.
- Possession of landlocked (Atlantic) salmon is limited to fish 25” or greater.
- Possession of lake trout is limited to fish less than 25” or greater than 30”.
- All other trout and salmon have a 12” minimum size limit.
- Lake trout season closed October 1 – December 31.
- Generally it is AGAINST THE LAW TO SELL GAME FISH taken in New York State (salmon, trout, bass, walleye, etc.). Check Fishing Regulations Guide for further information.
Fish Carcass Disposal Laws
It is illegal to discard any fish carcass or parts into the fresh waters of the state within 100 feet of shore, or on public or private land within 100 feet of the water, except:
- By owners of those lands;
- Live fish or fish required to be returned as directed by other laws and regulations;
- Bait;
- By proper disposal into suitable garbage or refuse collection systems or by burial; and
- For incidental cleaning of fish to be consumed, but not within 100 feet of any public launching or docking site (unless suitable refuse collection system is used).
Municipal Parks Code
- Section 79-4, A.—No fish shall be deposited on-site except in approved areas.
- Section 79-11—No camping is allowed without a permit in writing.
- Section 79-19, A.—No commercial cleaning or purchase of eggs is allowed without a permit.
Angler Alert
SNATCHING IS NOW PROHIBITED in the Genesee River and all other Lake Ontario tributaries. See the following Genesee River regulations.
Water levels in the Lower Gorge can change rapidly due to releases by local utilities. Upon hearing a warning siren or observing a warning strobe, leave the water immediately and move to higher ground.
From Sept. 1 through March 31:
- (1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise).
- Use of more than one hook is prohibited.
- Use of a hook having more than one point is prohibited, except for multiple double or treble hooks permitted on floating lures.
- Hooks may have a gap (distance between shank and point) of no more than one-half inch.
- Use of hooks with added weight prohibited, except that artificial flies with no more than one-eighth ounce added weight may be used.
- Hooks attached to any lure, except on artificial fly, must be free swinging.
Help protect your natural resources. If you witness an environmental conservation law violation, call the new TIPP DEC toll free (“Turn in Poachers and Polluters to DEC”) statewide hotline at 1-800-TIPP DEC (1-800-847-7332). It’s available to New Yorkers 24 hours a day to report fish, wildlife and environmental crimes. Citizen reports are valuable in helping to end crimes against the environment. More than 200 calls per month are being received already. The identity of all TIPP DEC callers is kept confidential. For more information on reporting violations, call 1-800-TIPP DEC, or visit their web site at: http://www.dec.ny.gov .
Fishing Brochure
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Hot Spot Map